Evangelion Illustrations 2007-2017 is an art book based on the famous anime mecha serie and films: Neon Genesis Evangelion, created and directed by Hideaki Anno. Evangelion aired in the 90's as a 26 episode anime serie and a direct movie sequel. Years later a new movie project started where the story is told again in a new alternative universe.
The Evangelion Illustrations art book is a full-color oversized (10.1 x 0.6 x 13.1 inches) collection with 174 pages showcasing 10 years worth of artworks. The artworks consists of character designs, movie artworks, promotional artworks (such as clothing brands, Lawson, bullet train, gacha games collabs) and spinoff artworks (Godzilla x Evangelion). The review uses the English edition of the artbook, which got released by Viz Media on June 11, 2019.
This is a very nice art book for the enthusiastic fans of the Evangelion franchise. For this decent price you get a lot of artworks; which makes its browsing very fun. If you don't know much about Evangelion, go watch it on Netflix and after that you would also want to have this awesome artbook!