Tite Kubo is a popular manga artist from the Weekly Shounen Jump who has created one of the biggest and long-running shounen series: Bleach. The manga was serialized in August 7, 2001 and ran for 15 years until August 22, 2016. The series also got adapted into an anime TV series (366 episodes, 2004-2012) and a recent live action movie, distributed by Netflix. Besides Bleach Tite Kubo wrote a one-shot manga called 'Burn the Witch', which got later a manga serialization and an anime movie.
Tite Kubo's latest art book is Bleach JET, which got released on December 4 2018. Bleach JET is a massive collection, split into 2 art books, with more than 700 pieces of artworks created in the last 15 years, many new drawn artwork and a Q&A with Tite Kubo. Bleach JET also includes a 'Burn the Witch' manga book with its one-shot chapter and lots of Bleach related pages like character information and sketches.
The 2 art books are bundled together in a velour textile black box, so it feels of high quality. So do the pages, they have a high quality matty feeling, so the artwork really jumps out with the lively coloring and deep black. The first art book has ~150 pages of artwork based on all Bleach arcs and other random filler (halloween, beach, fashion, ..) artwork. The second art book has less pages than the first one: ~120 pages of Q&A (japanese) and misc. artwork: manga covers, more filler artwork, timeskip artwork, characters, full color manga pages and Burn the Witch artwork.