Tsukasa Hojo is a mangaka known for his older series Cat's Eye and City Hunter, both very well known manga from the 80's and 90's with multiple anime adaptations. Tsukasa Hojo is really strong in creating character designs, especially for female characters: they all look mature and sexy without relying on fanservice.
Hojo has a couple of art books, one of his first art books is Tsukasa Hojo Illustrations (1991). The art book contains 105 pages of artworks based on his populair series: Cat's Eye and the majority being City Hunter. In this art book we see, as mentioned earlier, the female character designs in which Hojo drawing skills shines.
You like some great old-school character designs which doesn't feel like anime/manga at all? Or like some good well drawn women? Or just a big fan of the author Tsukasa Hojo or his series City Hunter and Cat's Eye? Then this is a must buy art book! The art book is really old, so you'll only find it secondhand stores or marketplaces like Amazon.