Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba in Japanese) is a popular shounen manga written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge. It was serialized for 4 years in the Weekly Shounen Jump. Demon Slayer also received an anime adaptation by Ufotable with a 2nd season coming out this year.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Art book is the latest A4 sized art book featuring 160 pages of Gotouge's artworks. Most of the pages are coloured, with the last couple of pages having stunning linework drawings.
The art book contains lots of characters; most of them are obviously the main cast (especially Tanjirou & Nezuko). Besides the great looking artworks and characters, there are some coloured manga pages as well!
All in all, the art book is really cheap, which makes it a must have for any Demon Slayer fan. It's great to see a collection of all the artworks from the beginning of the series until the end.
Enjoy the photos and video below!