Haikyuu!! is a popular sports manga by Furudate Haruichi which ran a serialization for ~8 years in Weekly Shounen Jump until July 2020. The series also got multiple anime seasons.
Haikyuu!! Complete Illustration book is the latest A4 sized art book featuring 400 pages of Furudate's artworks including new never seen before artwork. Most of the pages are in color, which makes it fun browsing through the art book, especially how Furude's art evolve throughout the years.
There are lots of characters to see in the art book; obviously there are lots of artworks from the Karasuno team (which are very badass, especially the Karasuno vs a team artwork) but there's also some good amount of other fan favorite characters.
All in all, for its price you get a very large beautiful art book in color, which makes it very worthwhile for the Haikyuu fans. By viewing the artbook, you will remember how much a great series Haikyuu was, a great piece of Shounen Jump history!
Enjoy the photos and video below!